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Company Name : Arogyam Panchkarma Centre & Ayurvedic Hospital
Contact Name : kavita sharma
Country : India
State : Gujarat
Category : Services
AD Views : 18
Address : Arogyam Panchkarma Centre & Ayurvedic Hospital Una-Nangal Highway,Opposite Police Station,Mehatpur Distt. Una H.P.(INDIA)-174315
ZIPCODE : 450331
Local Area Name : Mehatpur
ADID : 474977142
Website :

Losing weight is what almost everyone wants to look and feel good. However even the most difficult programs may seem to work. So try some of these wonderful herbs and get ready to make a great figure to have a beautifully shaped body again. Obesity is called Medroga in Ayurveda. It is simply defined as a condition in which an excessive amount of fat accumulates in the body. There are two main reasons for this abnormal fat deposition. I Excessive dietary fat intake and ii Metabolic problems that prevent the body from using fat properly. Ayurveda blames agni or digestive fires for obesity. When Agni is disturbed amateurs toxic substances accumulate in the body leading to obesity. From the Ayurvedic point of view we have different kinds of channels in our body. Whenever we eat food food extracts are produced that flow through various channels of the body and reach all the organs and systems of the body. However sometimes some channels were blocked and most of the food was converted to FAT. It continued to gain weight but other body systems such as blood bones and skin became weaker and weaker. You must have felt that you weren t on an additional diet but your weight is increasing day by day. The reason for weight gain is blockage of channels in the body. Obesity has become a huge problem for many of us. You don t have to be a big eater to get obese. There are many other reasons for this problem. We have developed a very beneficial herbal solution to cure obesity without diet without strenuous exercise and most importantly without side effects. The skin does not loosen the cellulite disappears and the body is kept in perfect shape. So it is the time to transform the body now. Try it amp lose now

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