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: +1763260x4693
Company Name : GMT
Contact Name : Gavy
Country : United States
State : California
Category : Jobs
AD Views : 50
Address : 95976
ZIPCODE : 95976
Local Area Name : 95976
ADID : 100331003
Website :

GMT is an edtech initiative by Singapore based Quest ontheFRONTIER Group. Live online 1-on-1 classes for students aged 7-14 years The key to our success is the quality of tutors. We carefully select, train and onboard qualified computer professionals with teaching experience. Apart from being subject matter experts, we ensure our teachers have passion and patience to teach kids. This means making learning an enjoyable activity for the children and motivating the students to continually progress. They are also trained on how to engage parent Our teachers are English speaking qualified computer professionals from India- the land of IT. Majority of our teachers are women trained as computer engineers / IT professionals with flair for and experience in teaching kids. Teachers are recruited, trained supervised by Curriculum

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